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05 June 2009

Don’t give up on your blog ...!!!

by Franklin Bishop

For beginners the one thing you need to remember is to never give up on your blog. You have to stay committed to your blog first, otherwise the readers that come will not stay.

  1. The voice in your head
    I know after a couple of months of not getting very many subscribers or comments, that it is hard to stick with your blog. There’s that little voice in your head saying, “Is this worth the time? Would it be easier to just move on to something else? Should I just give up completely?”. Trust me, all bloggers have had this voice in their head at some time.
    What do you do? You have to block out that voice because it is not the truth. The truth is, your blog may be a month or two away from breaking the surface. Staying positive and believing that your blog can be successful are two of the most important things you should do for yourself.
  2. How do I get that voice out of my head?
    An easy way to get this voice out of your head is to advertise on someones more popular blog. This way you can get a couple of thousand of subscribers of that blog to possibly come to your blog. And even if they do not end up clicking on your advertisement they will most likely remember the name of your website as long as your blog name is on your advertisement.
    Another thing to do is , try finding blogs in your niche that you can guest post for. Yes, there are actually blogs out there that are willing to post something you write as long as it follows their guidelines. So make sure that you have written good content before you go out asking bloggers to post on their website as a guest.
    Last but not least, write good comments on blogs that have the same or similar niche as you. That way Google counts it towards your blog (this is a good thing). The more useful comments you write on blogs, the better chance you have that people will click on your link. People feel more comfortable clicking on your link to your website when they know you are giving out useful information.
  3. Why is the voice not in my head anymore?
    Well, you probably have drove many more readers to your website which has built your confidence up a little bit. You might see that you have a few more subscribers than before and so now you believe that you can have a successful blog. You actually know that people like what they are reading and want to come back for more. Now there is no reason why that voice should be in your head telling you to give up. There is a lot more that can go into getting people to come to your website and then wanting to return later.

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